Installing & Configuring with Visual Studio

Installing Opencv c++ tutorial
How to Install And Configure OpenCV with Visual Studio
Steps for Installing & Configuring OpenCV with Visual Studio in Windows 10. Using:
  • Windows 10 64-bit
  • Visual Studio Community Edition 2015 Update 1
  • OpenCv 3.1.0
  1. Download and install Visual Studio 2015 Community Edition. It's free and choosing all default option including VC++ will work fine.

  2. Download latest version of OpenCV. I am using OpenCV 3.1.0

  3. Make a folder of your OpenCV version. for example "C:\OpenCV-3.1.0"

  4. Add the bin directory of OpenCV to the operating system path.
    a) Go to: System Properties -> Advanced Sytem Settings -> Environment Variables -> Edit Path Variable
    b) Add new path value to "C:\OpenCV-3.1.0\opencv\build\x64\vc14\bin" and Apply Changes.

  5. OpenCV Advanced System Settings

    OpenCV Environment Path Setup

  6. Start Visual Studio, choose File->New->Project

  7. Choose Visual C++, Empty Project, name your project, example "Test", Set preferred location, uncheck "Create directory for solution" and "Add to source control", Choose Ok.

  8. Right Click in Solution Explorer,Choose Add -> New Item. Choose "C++ File", name the file, example "ObjectTracking.cpp". Choose Add.

  9. In the Visual Studio toolbar, verify that "Solution Configurations" is set to "Debug", then change "Solution Platforms" to "x64"

  10. OpenCv Visual Studio Debug x64

  11. In VS 2015 go to:
    a) Project -> (project name) Properties -> Configuration Properties -> VC++ Directories -> Include Directories add the include directory for your version of OpenCV, ex "C:\OpenCV-3.1.0\opencv\build\include"
    b) Project -> Properties -> Configuration Properties -> VC++ Directories -> Library Directories: add the library directory for your version of OpenCV, ex "C:\OpenCV-3.1.0\opencv\build\x64\vc14\lib"
    c) Project -> Properties -> Configuration Properties -> Linker -> Input -> Additional Dependencies: Copy/paste the name of the debug lib(s) in the lib directory, ex "opencv_world310d.lib"

  12. Done ! You are ready to write code and Run your program.

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  1. Getting error unable to create empty project in VS 2015 Community Update 3. I reinstalled it but still got the same error. 'Project type .vcxproj is not supported by this version of the application'. Help me Please ?

    1. Uninstall Visual Studio 2015 Update 3 and Try Installing Visual Studio 2015 Update 1 .iso Installer

    2. Thanks Bro.. Finally Worked :)

  2. Hi,

    I follow all your steps, but when I try to execute a program in order to test opencv functionalities, the debug quit the execution with an error : debug error, abort () has been called

  3. thank you so much.. work like a charm :)

  4. I tried running cannystill on visual studio but brings an error "LNK1104"
    What sould I do
